Hotel Diamond i Kazanlak

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Diamond



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2, улица „Шипченска епопея“, 6100, Kazanlak, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 431 631 92
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6214105, Longitude: 25.3941216

kommentar 5

  • Li-Yang Wang

    Li-Yang Wang


    This is a great place to stay if you're here for vacation. Although the room is not too big, the facilities are all in great condition. Also the staff are friendly and fluent in English, especially the girl who was on day shift of 09-Jun-2019. I think her name is Gabri? If possible, I'd like to thank her for the kindness and patience she showed, and all the help she offered!

  • Jelio TV Жельомир

    Jelio TV Жельомир


    Staff watches the cars in the small parking outside and calls the police to tow them away! Staff reminds me of foxes and vultures.

  • Dzhamal U.

    Dzhamal U.


    Absolutely amazing place, everything is perfect I had outstandingly perfect 2 days there, the staff of the hotel is just brilliant very very friendly,I left the hotel very happy with good and unforgettable experience.

  • Jose Luis del Val Roman

    Jose Luis del Val Roman


    Nice hotel. Very friendly and kind people un reception. 12 options forma breakfast. Just in front of the museum and 5 minutes walking from tracian tombs.

  • Arina Eksteen

    Arina Eksteen


    Great hotel. Friendly and helpfull staff. Very clean and nice location.

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