Hotel Alisa i Pavel banya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienHotel Alisa


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17, Професор доктор Асен Златаров, 6155, Pavel banya, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 620 0230
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.5952803, Longitude: 25.2120681

kommentar 5

  • Anna Bozhkova

    Anna Bozhkova


    Hotel is two years old and very well kept. Clean rooms and really nice bathrooms. Breakfast was simple but great. Has a good pool and spa area. Very nice staff/management. Hotel is very close (5 min walk) to cafes and eateries. Would recommend.

  • Anna Lyutarevich

    Anna Lyutarevich


    Nice clean room. But they don't know if they have rood-service or not;)) so one day we've received our coffee, the next day - we haven't;)))) And SPA works only till 6 p.m., so we have paid a bit more and enjoyed great SPA in another hotel;)))

  • Kiril Stefanov

    Kiril Stefanov


    Very high standards. Really really clean.

  • Venko Petkov

    Venko Petkov


    Very nice, clean and neat hotel. Restorant is really nice. I recommend!

  • poli markova

    poli markova


    Best value for money. I liked the big bathtub and the spacious room with terrace. The breakfast was ok. There is no pool but you can use the pools in other hotels

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