Hostel Mostel в Sofia

БългарияHostel Mostel


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2, bulevard "Makedonia", 1606, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 922 3296
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6950224, Longitude: 23.3145962

коментари 5

  • Tomer Yona

    Tomer Yona


    Really friendly and helpful stuff, location was good for me, about 20 min walk to all of the main attraction. Supermarket 5 min walk. Great common room that was full most of the time. They offer some trips outside of Sofia, I did the 7 lakes of Rila which was amazing (its not guided, just pick up and get you back from there) Rooms was fine, curtain to each bed which was great. shower inside the room and few extra showers and toilet outside. Highly recommended

  • Patrik Szabó

    Patrik Szabó


    I've stayed in hostels quite a few times but never before experienced what the hostel life is as much as in Hostel Mostel. You can't help but spend your time in the lobby just like all the other travelers so you're bound to get to know some of them a little. Also, breakfast is included in the price. The staff are extremely helpful, they make sure you enjoy your stay in the city even outside of the hostel's walls. This is the place to stay in Sofia.

  • Farhan Tanim

    Farhan Tanim


    I didn’t expect Dinner and Buffet breakfast included in the normal price. The staff are very helpful and always active and welcoming. The lounge beside reception is always vibrant with people from all around the world. The location is extremely easy and close to all types of activities. They arrange day tour and private tours too which is fantastic

  • en

    Sofa Sos


    The facilities where good. there where plenty of showers and toilets and the common area was really cool. The staff where very helpful as well and told us about the city. I stayed in two different beds over the week I was there and the first bed was fine but the second one I go had bed bugs. This was the only big con. They could of improved there pub crawl a bit but Other then that if you get a clean bed it is a good place to stay for a cheap price and a good place to meet like minded travellers.

  • Natalie



    The Hostel offers not only a cheap place to stay but a nice, authentic atmosphere! I stayed at a single room, which was about 5min from the main building. My room was basic but very clean and I had my own spotless bathroom with shower. It also had WiFi aces included. The apartment was very quiet and calm. Hotel comfort for hostel price! The service was very friendly and helpful, English isn’t a problem. Breakfast Offered a lot! Would recommend Hostel Mostel 100%

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