Coffee&Gallery Cu29 i Plovdiv

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCoffee&Gallery Cu29



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24, ulitsa "Hristo Dyukmedzhiev", 4000, Plovdiv, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 934 2518
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.1492755, Longitude: 24.7495599

kommentar 5

  • Elena Coneva

    Elena Coneva


    I love this place! Super art atmosphere and really good coffee.

  • Mihaela Feodosieva

    Mihaela Feodosieva


    Great cocktails. I recommend this place.

  • Ivelina Mechkarova

    Ivelina Mechkarova


    I liked it, it was a nice pöace for a glass of wineto enjoy with friends. Nice and friendly bartender. A walk to the washroom will get you acquainted with the current exhibition, so you might take longer while coming back to your table.

  • Angel Tetimov

    Angel Tetimov


    Wow, I simply love this place! I think that they have the best hot chocolate in town, you should definitely try it if you're a chocolate lover. Also, the cocktails are really good and cheap, so this is one of the best places in Kapana, overall. As a local, I recommend it!

  • benjamin mccormick

    benjamin mccormick


    awesome little cafe. nice tea and ever nicer staff members. its in a good location i think. great music if you sit inside, and the outside heater makes sitting outside in the street a little more comfortable on cold days! theres a little art gallery downstairs that seems to change regularly too. highly recommended for digital nomads.

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