Cathedral Saint Alexandar Nevski i Sofia

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BulgarienCathedral Saint Alexandar Nevski


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ploshtad "Sveti Aleksandar Nevski", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 988 1704
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Latitude: 42.6958106, Longitude: 23.3329003

kommentar 5

  • en



    The gallery of religious art in the crypt downstairs was really interesting. I didn't think I would like it so much but was very impressed. Some fragments of paintings were displayed along with a video explaining the restoration process which was fascinating. Entrance fee is 2 leva.

  • en

    Joe Berube


    The crypt exhibition (located down stairs through a door to the left of the main doors) of religious painting and relics is VERY cool. Only 2 leva entrance, but so much art, English signage, a video in English about the preservation process and some incredible images.

  • Miles Macdonald

    Miles Macdonald


    Beautiful church commemorating the Russo-Turkish war. Beautiful dome, worth looking inside. Photos inside cost 10 Lev and Video 30 Lev

  • Ognian Voynikov

    Ognian Voynikov


    The beautiful symbol of Sofia. Its amazing structure makes it hard to grasp as it looks different from every angle. Breathtaking inside and out. You can grab city sightseeing buses from here.

  • Christianus Arie Wisnu Wijaya

    Christianus Arie Wisnu Wijaya


    Obviously, this place is a must visit if you are in Sofia. Close to the others historical building and large park with monuments. The location is easily accessible by metro from the airport. The church shape is curiosly wonderful. And the color also splendid. Be careful if you cross the street around the church, sometimes the cars don't slowing their speed, so just pay attention, especially if you want to cross with children.

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