Casa del Mare i Sozopol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCasa del Mare



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36, ulitsa "Kiril i Metodiy", 8130, Sozopol, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 799 9913
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.424153, Longitude: 27.695932

kommentar 5

  • Radu -

    Radu -


    Astonishing sea view, large rooms, amassing balcony!

  • Asparuh Petkov

    Asparuh Petkov


    Excellent place with very nice view.

  • David Scott

    David Scott


    Excellent hotel, friendly staff, great location. Large comfortable room and modern bathroom.

  • Elena M

    Elena M


    The hotel has fantastic views of the sea and the new part of Sozopol, make sure to book a room with a sea's amazing! Million dollar view! It is also located in a fantastic location. There are many small variety stores close by and you can pickup beer, juice and water for almost regular price and keep it cool in the room refrigerator. Our room was spacious and clean. The staff is all friendly, our room was always cleaned (you have to leave the sign on the door), the breakfast was good (everything was covered)... Just no tea at breakfast 😮, so I settled for a hot chocolate. We also ate lunch here, it was very tasty and the portions were large.

  • Robert Patten

    Robert Patten


    Although I only had a drink on my last visit, the bar staff remembered me from my previous visit, when I'd stayed in their hotel. This hotel has some of the best views towards New Sozopol and the distant coast. Superb accommodation, but bathrooms are slightly cramped. Excellent menu and the meals although priced above average, are not extortionate. Very friendly staff and management. Not the cheapest hotel, but certainly worth a visit.

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