Budapest Hotel Sofia в Sofia

БългарияBudapest Hotel Sofia



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
92, ulitsa Budapeshta, 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 421 5800
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.707506, Longitude: 23.3265795

коментари 5

  • Bojan Milekic

    Bojan Milekic


    Nice hotel for sleep over or short stay. Spacious rooms. It's located in some a bit older part of city which is not really nice but all city amenities are near or have good connections. Breakfast is solid. Overall nice value-price hotel

  • Borislav G

    Borislav G


    Good location next to Central Train and Bus Stations. Rooms were clean and bed was comfortable. Good pressure in showers. Staff were friendly and professional. Breakfast had a good selection. Waiter in restaurant was friendly and helpful. Overall, a great stay.

  • Goran Stoilov

    Goran Stoilov


    Heating was cranked to the max at 30C, but still It was barely heating. Luckily there were extra sheets in the closet. Rooms look a bit outdated. On the bright side, the hotel was in a nice area. You can reach center with a 8min walk. The breakfast was nice, there's a parking in front of the hotel and the receptionist was nice. Thanks!

  • Tiron Edmond

    Tiron Edmond


    Nice rooms, nice people, I felt like home.

  • tintin on the moon

    tintin on the moon


    I do not recommend this hotel. I mean, the price is really high compary to the service you get in and compary to the other hotels in the city. The rooms are clean for sure, people there speak english, it's well situated BUT: - depending on your rooms, the bathroom are not really cleaned: I mean, the shower curtain wasn't new and was quite dirty. The rest of the bath wasn't perfectly clean neither. - it has no place to let your lugguages if you've have a late fligh. I was on the hotel for 5 nights and they asked me to pay 50% of the room night price to keep my room until 4 pm. I know some hotels ask you to pay for late check in, but the hotel wasn't full at all and they could have done a commercial offer. - i paid my hotel room with the breakfast: I asked a little bottle of water (25 cl). They gave it to me with no problem. But when I left the hotel they asked me to pay it but they didn't tell me during the breakfast it wasn't free. I would have known it before, especially because it costed 2 lv and on the food shop it's only 0.60 lv. -the rooms are really dark. So for all these reasons, i can't recommend this hotel. For the same price, you can get a huge hotel room on the center of the city, with a marble bathroom as I got during the rest of my vacation in the country, and a perfect service.

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