Yantra Grand Hotel / YANTRA GRAND HOTEL в Veliko Tarnovo

БългарияYantra Grand Hotel / YANTRA GRAND HOTEL



🕗 работно време

Понеделникотворен 24 часа
Вторникотворен 24 часа
Срядаотворен 24 часа
Четвъртъкотворен 24 часа
Петъкотворен 24 часа
Съботаотворен 24 часа
Неделяотворен 24 часа
2, ulitsa "Opalchenska", 5000, Veliko Tarnovo, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 62 600 607
уеб сайт: www.yantrabg.com
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 43.0832588, Longitude: 25.6408847

коментари 5

  • Naid Naydenov

    Naid Naydenov


    Dated hotel with mediocre facilities. Needs major overhaul. Worn carpets, flimsy bathroom, A/C barely worked, room was excruciatingly hot, around 28C/82F. We were told that it's working as intended. Rooms feed off of some central A/C system which is obviously inadequate because they have extra A/C units installed in the lobby. That's the only place in the hotel that feels cool. Staff at the reception was nice and accommodating, but there's nothing they can do to fix the hotel's problems. They said our concerns will be escalated to management. I bet management won't do anything about it. This is a major issue, not a one-off occurrence. The lack of care is evident throughout this property. At 3x the price of other hotels in town, this is unacceptable. Avoid at all cost!

  • Silviu Enache

    Silviu Enache


    Good place to stay. Nice ammentiies. Nice rooms. Good food. Good service. Nice location. Great experience. Extraordinary breathtaking view to the fortresses.

  • Polina Pesheva

    Polina Pesheva


    I visited only the restaurant for a protocol function but I must say that I was impressed. Very stylish interior, unobtrusive and polite service. Unique view to the town and Tsarevers castle. We watched ‘Sound and light’ show from the terrace and it was magical. Very nice place to stay as I hear from my bosses.

  • Deyer



    It is what it says "Grant Hotel". A good one. Everything is fancy and shiny. You get a great view. But of course it is not cheap. That's really the only downside.

  • Maria Peeva

    Maria Peeva


    Beautifully overlooking the fortress - the view is more than breathtaking! Personnel are amazing and breakfast is splendid. It is located very centrally and there is parking arranged. It is stone throw away from one of the most vivid craft shops streets. Rooms are huge and more than spacious, nice mini bar selection. Ask at the reception for the "Sound and Light" show of the castle and you can see it directly from your room or the lobby of the hotel. There is also spa center and waxing, but did not have the time to try it. Price is also really really good. Won't think of any other place when visiting the city.

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