ВюПойнт в Sofia



почивен ден

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Съботапочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
81A, bulevard "Arsenalski", 1421, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 988 9170
уеб сайт: viewpoint.bg
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6742581, Longitude: 23.3131951

коментари 5

  • Vesela K

    Vesela K


    Attention! After my laptop was fixed by the company from a cosmetic issue with missing screws at the back, it turned out that someone played with the software. I cannot access the menu, the search bar or swith off the computer without using the task manager. Issues I have not had prior to leaving it with these guys

  • Ivo Hristoskoff

    Ivo Hristoskoff


    Better service organizatuon

  • Tzvetan Tzvetkov

    Tzvetan Tzvetkov


    My son in law, who was on a visit with my daughter and the granddaughter in Sofia had a computer failure that essentially bricked it. It happened on Saturday and on Monday afternoon he was to have an important conference call online. The computer was in warranty and we went to Viewpoint as a Lenovo authorized service. Repairing the laptop was not a priority, but he needed his files for the call. The lady at the reception desk - Gergana, acted immediately and in no time we had the files on a flash drive. Courteous, friendly, professional and lightning fast. Saved my son in law's day!

  • Violeta Shtereva

    Violeta Shtereva


    I (still) have a probem with my Lenovo laptop. I went to this place on a Wednesday and they told me that it takes 3 working days to check and they will call me when my laptop is ready. Next Monday afternoon - no one called me. I went to their webpage and check for online tracking - it said that the check was completed and no defects were identified. I went to the store, they said "Ohhh yes, it must have been ready on Friday afternoon" and I said, "Fine, it is Monday, 5:30 PM and no one called me" to which the lady said nothting. I was furious with the resolution, which stated that my claim is unjustified, because I still face the same problem - my laptop sometimes powers up, sometimes - doesn't. I asked to talk to the technical expert. He lied to my face that he has flashed the BIOS. His recommendation was - "Reinstall Windows". Windows reinstalled. Problem remains. DO NOT BUY LENOVO!!!

  • Pepi Petrov

    Pepi Petrov


    Excellent service. Fast and quality repair. I recommend.

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