Viva Clinic в Sunny Beach

БългарияViva Clinic



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Вива клиник, 8240 Стария възел, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 55 495 095
уеб сайт:
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6970956, Longitude: 27.7048487

коментари 5

  • Ljubina Zivojinovic

    Ljubina Zivojinovic


    I had my eyelids operated on and couldn't be more happier. This clinic is clean, staff friendly and surgeons proffesinal. I'm coming back for eye bag removal. Most important is they don't rip you off. I can't rate them high enough.

  • John O dwyer

    John O dwyer


    My 15yo daughter was feeling unwell for a few days.low energy loss of appetite thrush in mouth.I took her to Viva clinic and once the insurance had been sorted out my daughter was examined and blood tests done.Within 20min she was diagnosed as having type 1 diabetes.Doctor Stanko and his team were top class.They gave my daughter the best of treatment and care.she was admitted for 3 or 4 days in a clean modern private room with a spare bed for a parent.I would like to thank Dr Stanko and his team once again. 10/10.

  • ariela dary

    ariela dary


    came with 2 of my children sick and they were,si kind and helpfule .

  • Wiktor Chmur

    Wiktor Chmur


    Professional and kind staff, good facilities and conditions of stay. Best clinic in Sunny Beach. I recommend

  • Paul Pike

    Paul Pike


    Both my daughter (8) and my girlfriend (not allowed to say her age😋), both contracted a viral infection whilst we were on holiday in Sunny Beech, Bulgaria. It was bad enough to warrant medical help. Our hotel (TUI Family Nevis - Thank you) recommended Viva which was only a few minutes away from where we were. We arrived to a very friendly and committed reception team who took us through their booking in process very quickly. When they noticed my daughter vomiting in a bin in the waiting area, they wasted no time getting her sorted and taken straight to the treatment room!! A little later they were both of my girls were admitted into the clinic and were given constant treatment and care for the two days they were there. It is very difficult to single out any one individual for great service as it was our experience that everyone we had contact with were brilliant. The clinic is modern, clean and well resourced. So, if anyone has the misfortune to find themselves in need of medical assistance in the Sunny Beech area, the place to go to is the Viva Clinic. Thinking about it, I should have used my spare time visiting their dentist to get my broken tooth sorted!

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