TrS Rent a Car в Sofia

БългарияTrS Rent a Car



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Неделяпочивен ден
213, ulitsa "Knyaz Boris I", 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 89 979 9766
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.7080806, Longitude: 23.32157

коментари 5

  • Nana Ioannou

    Nana Ioannou


    Great rental company. We hired a car just the evening before we needed it for the following day. Martin was very helpful guy, did the renting process really fast and we also add an additional driver.The car we had was a ford fiesta one, smooth on the road and economic as we went to the seven rila lakes with no issue. We only had to refill fuel 20bgn on the way back to Sofia. As we came back earlier, than the time we scheduled to give it back, we just called him and he came straight away. Totally recommending this company.

  • Anastasiya Liavonava

    Anastasiya Liavonava


    Really good car rental service! I liked everything from first call to giving the car back. Thanks a lot for affordable price, high level service and travel tips :)

  • Dominik Čáp

    Dominik Čáp


    I recommend this car rental a lot! Normal prize, amazing car and friendly staff. Quick response and very helpful advices about Bulgaria as well.

  • Antonio Luque

    Antonio Luque


    Hey everybody! My girlfriend and I rented a car for two days in Sofia with TrS and the experience was wonderful. We could pick up and drop off the car at locations of our choice. The car functioned properly and there weren't any problem or missunderstanding at the drop off. Moreover, Martin, our rental from TrS, was really nice and helpful. Such a good experience!

  • Daan R

    Daan R


    We rented a car at this company as it was close to our hotel. The car was nice, drove smoothly and even went up steep hills without problems. The owner is a friendly and honnest man, but he is a bit chaotic. For example he forgot the contract when we went to pick up the car (so we went to his house to pick it up, never rent without a contract!) and he also forgot the terminal to refund the deposit when the car was delivered back so he had to do it later on. (Which he did, so no trouble here) If you are looking for a rental I could recommend this company, but make sure all the paperwork is OK before you leave with the car and after handing in the car. To the owner, you are a friendly man. If you bring everything the first time, I'm sure the next review will be 5* again!

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