The View Restaurant Sofia в Sofia

БългарияThe View Restaurant Sofia



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bul. Vitosha 89B, Millennium Center 24th floor, 1463 Ivan Vazov, Sofia, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 442 4124
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.682687, Longitude: 23.315108

коментари 5

  • Boyan Dzambazov

    Boyan Dzambazov


    It is really the View Restaurant ... the view up there is awesome! The food durring the week days is not expensive. I have heard otherwise about the evenings and weekends. But cannot confirm neither deny as I never been there out of the work hours. The food durring the day is not bad ... but not the best. But as I said before ... this is due to the cheep price. When you sit on the balcony you can see all of Sofia ... beautiful view!!

  • Jonathan Wiels

    Jonathan Wiels


    Perfect dinner. Had some family over here in Sofia and decided to try this restaurant. I loved every minute of it. The View is indeed very nice. The food was great. But the service made it perfect!!! Thnx Patricia for making this a perfect evening!!!!!!

  • William Bailly

    William Bailly


    Wonderful. I've been there with 4 friends. Not expensive and so beautiful. It was snowing and that was magical. Good food with a nice view. What else?

  • Velko Alexiev

    Velko Alexiev


    The restaurant at the top of one of the Nikmi towers in the centre of Sofia is nothing special. Indeed the view is nice but you can't enjoy it directly from most / almost all of the tables inside. The tables outside (at the balcony) are really small and are only for two. The food is decent but nothing special, the menu is short and a bit confusing. The service is not nice, which is surprising for a new location. And last but not least, the restaurant is really dark in the evening, the lights are really not sufficient! I don't recommend the place.

  • en

    Marc Albert


    The restaurant has panoramic views of the city. If you go on a clear day you will love the sights. We went for lunch when they had their buffet (you choose from several available items cafeteria style). The food was very good and it cost about $11.00 for two people for a main dish and a bottle of water. It's a not too close to the city center but it's worth the trip. That part of Town is a little more upscale than other parts and it's nice to walk around.

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