The Happy Pig - Food & Cocktails в Sofia

БългарияThe Happy Pig - Food & Cocktails


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17, Boulevard "Tsarigradsko shose", 1124, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 87 877 8446
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6890483, Longitude: 23.3403361

коментари 5

  • en

    Ivan Tsirkov


    The food was truly excellent - a bit of a mix between traditional Bulgarian cuisine and foreign meals. The BFC (fried chicken) was extremely good. Great service, too. The restaurant is a bit on the small side, so you may want to make a reservation beforehand. The prices are quite reasonable given the meal quality, but it's not exactly a cheap place.

  • en

    Viktor Doychinov


    Nice place to eat. They offer different interesting meals that you will not find elsewhere. Interior is great simple and clean. Service also very good. I wander why I'm giving only 4 stars, not sure but maybe something little is missing for the fifth star ;)

  • en

    M G


    The restaurant is located in a old house close to the famous Eagles Bridge. The atmosphere is cozy and inviting (especially the lower floor, where there is a fireplace). What is good about the place is that the menu changes and they have special offerings. The salad was very well seasoned and the meat was tasty. Nevertheless, they served my friend medium-rare salmon steak without asking her how she wants it done in the first place. When she returned the fish, the waiter argued that this is how it should be done as if offended. I am not a fan of pretentious service as client should always come first. Beer is expensive and only small beers are available, but they have good choice of great cocktails.

  • Edward Luyten

    Edward Luyten


    Great food, cocktails and service. I just recommend you to go there only for the cocktails. Also I recommend make a reservation so that you know you have a place. The food s really great and changes every season. The cocktails on the other hand are just magnificent. You can even ask the bartender to make you a cocktail based in the alcohol you like to drink.

  • Kalina



    I simply love this place! :) I've been here so many times that the minimalistic urban atmosphere feels like home. ☺️The food is an amazing fusion between styles and cuisines, but the products they use are fresh, from the local farmers. Menu changes with the season. They mix their own signature cocktails to pair the food with (the Bloody Marry is the best in Sofia), but you can also find a nice short wine list, and a really good choice of craft beers. Coffee and desserts are also great! Ah, and the brunches in the weekends rock!

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