Radineli 2003 i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienRadineli 2003



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137, ulitsa "Knyaz Boris I", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 980 1054
internet side: www.radineli.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7000904, Longitude: 23.3197228

kommentar 5

  • Людмила Коларова

    Людмила Коларова


    An ideal place for a holiday with children! Healthy menu, stylish atmosphere and a magical children's corner that absorbs with its space and toys for our little treasures!

  • Стефан Данаилов

    Стефан Данаилов


    I passed him.

  • Nikolay Radulov

    Nikolay Radulov


    Large choice, polite service

  • Petar Stoimenov

    Petar Stoimenov


    The best company for curtains and drapes in Bulgaria. Certainly my assessment is not exaggerated. The range of clients varies from hotels, embassies, dignitaries, bartenders and singers, to the most ordinary housewives and people with modest means. And not only this. The fact that customers of the store are also people living abroad is indicative of the quality of services offered here.

  • Tsvetomir Doskov

    Tsvetomir Doskov


    In addition to the large selection of curtains, upholstery and cornices .... we can count on good ideas and very good attitude from everyone in the store. Ingenuity, sophistication and great taste in selection and workmanship. Trust and you will be surprised and applauded for how much attention and understanding you will receive.

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