Partner Travel в Sofia

БългарияPartner Travel



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Неделяпочивен ден
16Б, bulevard "Hristo Botev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 988 2312
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6915639, Longitude: 23.3146787

коментари 5

  • Simeon Sumeonov

    Simeon Sumeonov


    The owner Odysseus Spasov is a fraud !!!

  • Светлана Денова

    Светлана Денова


    Excursion to Istanbul 05-08.12.2019.I was very pleased with the tour guide Katya Gerdjikova, traveling by luxury bus, local tour guides. Responsive and courteous.

  • Tedichka Mihaleva

    Tedichka Mihaleva


    I DON'T RECOMMEND !!! The fact that I had to pedal to demand documents for my journey was endlessly burdensome. On the day before their flight, their system crashed, unable to send a single PDF from their personal and business mail. When we went to the office there was no one, they did not meet their work schedule, after contacting their manager apparently called them to appear in front of the office. Before the trip we were assured that everything would be fine and the organization was good, but alas !!! Upon arrival at the hotel it turned out that we were missing medical insurance, and they claimed to be common to all travelers !!!

  • Iliqna Belishka

    Iliqna Belishka


    I have never traveled with such an unorganized agency, and the beautiful emotion with which we have traveled 10 people to visit Cappadocia has failed. I highly recommend not using this company. The disappointment is great.

  • S. Yosifov

    S. Yosifov


    Istanbul trip 23.05.19. to 26.05.19 .... OMG, avoid them if you want to save some nerves !!! Their guide Kadun Beyzad was the baddest guide in the whole world probably. I will never recommend them for any travel to anyone - period !!! In a terrible, inappropriate and disoriented group of my guy from the shaken Caden Beydad I have not seen in my life! The hotel was nice and clean (Grand Marchello Hotel), and there is the positive emotion in this trip. Disgusting attitude on behalf of the tour operator's representative, lost people constantly (abandoned sooner), rude attitude, no notice of changes to the program !!! We recorded all the paid events, which we almost immediately canceled because they were on a terrible level! The last event in the program was unfulfilled because the tour guide said there were not 20 people, which was a complete lie because we were counting with the people and there were 20 people, but apparently Caden Beydad's wish was to leave earlier than our paid excursion. We had to be in Istanbul Sunday afternoon, but we loaded at 8am on the bus and got back, making a 3-day 2-day trip. There was a problem returning the money for the events and there was a rebellion on the bus where people said a little about their tour operator and the tour guide! Otherwise the hotel was good, the bus driver was good too, but the tour guide ruined the holiday totally ... I would never have gone anywhere with this agency and I can not recommend it to anyone !!!

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