Orient 99 в Sofia

БългарияOrient 99


почивен ден

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Съботапочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
32, ulitsa "William Gladstone", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 987 0107
уеб сайт: orient99bg.business.site
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6915989, Longitude: 23.3190647

коментари 5

  • Zhivko Zhelyazkov

    Zhivko Zhelyazkov


    Travel company with very professional services offers large amount of holidays and sightseeing places must to visit. Highly recommended to arrange a trip with them.

  • gandy harno

    gandy harno


    First impressions of ORIENT 99 (and last () - this is a tour operator that lies in the old glory, the people who work in it are self-confident, with high self-esteem, but without coverage. Their prices are higher than other companies and the quality is the same. The story of my trip: on the advice of my acquaintances and colleagues, I made a reservation in January for a holiday in Turkey, with a departure date of 21.05, and at the end of April I paid the full amount. At the beginning of May, for the same hotel where we had to rest, a promotion was made with about BGN 400. lower prices for reservations (for us this promotion was not valid and we were not offered another offer). At the agreed time of departure from Plovdiv, after the arrival of the bus, we had to wait for the representative of the company for another 40-50 minutes. There were also people from another tour operator on our bus who were also traveling to Antalya. The stay at the hotel, the service and the food were without remarks, but it did not depend on ORIENT 99… We met with their representative in Turkey on Monday, for those who wanted to do PSR tests he explained to us to go downstairs to the doctor on Friday in 09:00 and that he will take care of our registration for them. The next day I decided to look for the exact location of the doctor, but where it was explained to us there was none - the office was outside the hotel. On Wednesday, I talked to the doctor about whether everything was settled and it turned out that he knew nothing, and anyone who wants a PSR test should go to him in person with his passport and sign up, and we did. Getting the results from the reception took me about 30-40 minutes. provided that everything had to be arranged by our representative. The icing on the cake was our return to Bulgaria. It happened on a bus of the other tour operator, with which their people were traveling in the ORIENT 99 bus on their way to Turkey. Accordingly, just as we were going to Turkey alone in two seats, so were they on the way back. So far, everything seems normal, except that we pay a higher price than that of the other company (about BGN 100 more). However, there were still vacant seats, but those who got on earlier after complaining to the ORIENT 99 representative were re-accommodated alone in two seats. But from the last hotels came a family with a child of about 5-6 years. and a pregnant woman with her elderly parents traveling side by side due to a lack of free seats. The ORIENT 99 representative, although asked by the pregnant woman to provide her with a separate seat in two seats, did nothing (his attitude towards her was disgusting…). Thus, in this way ORIENT 99, without sending your bus, save some to 1000 BGN. and lost several clients (I want to add that only my profit was over BGN 500). My conclusion from this trip is that the quality of transportation for customers of both companies was the same, while the value of the service package - no. So my advice is when looking for a company for your vacation not to blindly trust the name of the company and think that its services are of the best quality, but to spend a little more time and compare prices before direct one of the agencies.

  • Aleksandar Apostolov

    Aleksandar Apostolov


    Cool place it deserves visiting!

  • Vilian Stoyanov

    Vilian Stoyanov


    Good personal I will tell about vacation after I come back

  • Alek Stan

    Alek Stan


    Not bad.

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