Очна клиника VISION в Sofia

БългарияОчна клиника VISION



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Неделяпочивен ден
8A, ulitsa "Viktor Grigorovich", 1606, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 700 89 003
уеб сайт: www.visionclinic.bg
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6885344, Longitude: 23.3053269

коментари 5

  • Hristina Marinova

    Hristina Marinova


    I have been a patient in this clinic for almost three years. After 28 years of working in the United States on my retirement and return to Bulgaria, I had some concerns about the level of specialists and equipment of ophthalmology clinics in Bulgaria. My fears were absolutely in vain. My recommended clinic "Vision" is wonderful - at an extremely high level, with modern equipment. My consultations with Dr. Shandurkov and subsequently with Dr. Sabeva were another pleasant surprise. My long-standing retinal problems have been addressed at the level of the most prominent American ophthalmologists I have visited. Thank you very much for the care and advice and the warm attitude of the whole team of Vision Clinic!

  • Marina Milosheva

    Marina Milosheva


    I was recently operated on by Dr. Shandurkov at the VISION Clinic. I cannot describe how this doctor categorically states diagnoses and how gently, carefully and precisely he operates. Trust him, he is great!

  • Zhassulan Tokenov

    Zhassulan Tokenov


    I al extremely happy and satisfied with my eye correction! Everything from start to the end was perfect! Personal thanks to Dr. Elena Dardzhikova (hope written right) for examination, operation and personal consultations! Your clinic changed my life 180° and now I can enjoy my life on it's fullest! Happy new year!

  • Atanas Bogoev

    Atanas Bogoev


    I have been working here since May 2017 now as a Resident Doctor and I can say I am astonished by the high quality patient care. Despite having so many patients, the doctors, the nurses and the administration in the clinic work from their hearts to put the patient first. In regards to the quality of the medical care - most of the phisitians in the clinic are members of Ophthalmology organisations in Europe and USA. Not only do they enhance the skills of residents, but also present scientific papers and interesting cases on conferences all over the world. Thank you for reading!

  • Tanya Stankeva

    Tanya Stankeva


    The best specialists for laser correction of eyesight. Perfect service and excellent specialists. They removed 4,5 dioptres from my eyes three years ago, and now I feel great. Wish them all the best

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