ОББ - Централен клон Света София в Sofia

БългарияОББ - Централен клон Света София


почивен ден

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Съботапочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
7А, ulitsa "Sveta Sofia", 1040, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 811 2181
уеб сайт: www.ubb.bg
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6965305, Longitude: 23.3195818

коментари 5

  • Carolina Staikova

    Carolina Staikova


    Why is there no access to the ATM in the evening? Did you put the sticker 24/7? For which exactly?

  • Nedelina Tasheva

    Nedelina Tasheva


    We waited for 20 minutes at 5 working counters and two cash registers for one Aiban report at an empty bank with customers only for the cash register, and the employees seemed completely uninterested in having people waiting and going out for coffee, walking and talking, few who served customers were in order according to the system for the numbers you take when entering and according to hello hello I know you welcome .... Finally one employee decided to ask us after 20 Min hanging at an empty bank waiting why we are there and things happened in 5, 6 minutes .... And again we were not called by the number you are obliged to get when entering the bank ... I wonder why they have this system at all, since they do not follow it.

  • dolly prodanova

    dolly prodanova


    In the time of electronic communications I am infinitely disappointed with the service of UBB, I ordered a lev transfer from UBB to Fibank on 29.04. to 30.04. the money has not yet been received at the other bank. I contacted the contact center where they "informed" me that the money was coming in one day, but alas, the money was gone! I have no words!

  • Lora Nielsen

    Lora Nielsen


    Recommended, big time! The director of the branch, himself, assisted us in opening a bank account. He also made sure to keep the queue short by distributing people to the right desks. To be honest, I do like UBB in general, but this branch is easier to navigate at, because of the more polite and effective employees. Even the security guy was in a good mood and polite. And the best of it all - most of the employees spoke English, which is not a common thing in the Bulgarian banks. The location is very central just behind Serdika metro station.

  • Angela Mihaylova

    Angela Mihaylova


    The staff is extremely unobtrusive, thus chasing the bank's customers. ATM regularly gives banknotes only 10 lev when towing a 400, I've done verbal remark, but without visible results!

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