National Stadium Vasil Levski в Sofia

БългарияNational Stadium Vasil Levski


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38, Bulevard "Evlogi i Hristo Georgiev", 1164, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 930 0702
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6875882, Longitude: 23.3352471

коментари 5

  • Enlighten Me

    Enlighten Me


    Needs military style policing to control the parasites who think every game is a chance to raise a Fourth Reich.

  • Ivelina Nikolova

    Ivelina Nikolova


    Nice area. Still free parking, sports activities and park.

  • Sparse Runner

    Sparse Runner


    Attended a CSKA-Levski derby match. Stadium was only 1/4 full, but the atmosphere was terrific, with both sets of ultras looking to out-shout each other, as the teams fought out a 2-2 draw. Got a bit nasty at the end, with one flash bomb injuring a police woman, and the riot police having to calm things down after two late red cards, but excellent value for £7!

  • en

    Nikola Spasov


    National Stadium “Vassil Levski” is a all-seater multi-functional stadium in the heart of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It’s the biggest venue in its class and it hosts all the games of the National Football Team of Bulgaria. The arena is named after Vassil Levski, the most famous bulgarian hero from the Bulgarian Revival.The National Stadium “Vassil Levski” is among the five best venue of its class in Europe. The capacity of the stadium is 43 208 and it offers 2 500 parking lots. There are also 1500 VIP boxes and 4 000 covered seats. It is separated in four sectors, entrances, stands and toilets.The field is made of natural grass and along with the track has a heating and lighting systems.The sports facility was licensed by UEFA in 2002 and it preserves four stars category by UEFA and FIFA standards for stadium capacity of such class.n addition to the football ground and the atlethics’ track, the venue hosts judo, artistic gymnastics, basketball, boxing, aerobics, fencing, taekwon-do and table tennis halls. The stadium also hosts the Museum of Physical Culture and Sports.

  • Abdul Shariq

    Abdul Shariq


    a small but pretty amazing stadium, been to this place in 2016 during arsenal vs ludogoret champions league match and the experience was amazing, supported arsenal so a but hard to cheer between the home team fans but exp was awsome

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