Мементо Раковски в Sofia

БългарияМементо Раковски


почивен ден

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16, ulitsa "General Yosif V. Gourko", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 242 2928
уеб сайт: memento.cafe
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6929454, Longitude: 23.326466

коментари 5

  • Alvaro Garcia

    Alvaro Garcia


    The perfect terrace for a chill evening. The price is fair and the drinks are good.

  • en

    Δημήτρης Πούλιος


    The only good coffee in Sofia

  • jiovanni jiovanni

    jiovanni jiovanni


    Best place

  • en

    christof sowada


    Avoid this place! Where do I start. 1. They have in the drink menu one vanilla milkshake that contains, according to the menu, also oreo cookies however they don't have that drink at all. The waiter will not tell you this and it turns out they have only a plain milkshake in a vanilla taste that is not in the menu. I complained about it and the stuff got upset about it and rudely took the drink away. As a result of poor service I did not order anything else. 2. We were a group of 6 people and after the drinks ordered were served to everyone and after my complaint; out of sudden a weitress turned up and asked us to move the table appart and wanted us to seperate even it was not a problem for about 20 min and absolutely not an issue at all when we sat down and they took the order. The manager of the cafe turned up and started verbally forcing us to seperate. I took the time to stand up from the group and had a constructive conversation with him. It was a waste of time and it was clear that he was not able to admit the mistake of his stuff, also he had no sensitivity towards customers. For him it was more important that the table is staying appart than customers being happy. I have never experienced this kind of ignorance and the poor level of customer care. He insisted that the empty space of the tables would damage the experience of other customers. We talk about a cafe in here. We did not go to a restaurant and for a barista he should know how important customer service is. We have been asked to leave without payment. The value of a good business is to provide a great customer care and apologise for any inconvenience; the worse you can do is providing a poor image of hospitality to your guests. Don't recommend this place at all! Avoid!

  • Ivan Gladkov

    Ivan Gladkov


    Really nice place, awesome drinks

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