Matrix Relocations (Sofia) i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienMatrix Relocations (Sofia)



🕗 åbningstider

Building 12B, Business Park Sofia, 1766 g.k. Mladost 4, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 807 6633
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.625966, Longitude: 23.377563

kommentar 5

  • Mario Todorov

    Mario Todorov


    Изключително професионална компания, ползваме услугите от двадесет години.

  • bg

    atanas katsarov


    Най-добрите! Винаги насреща, винаги точни!

  • en

    Alexander Mittev


    Always very professional, on time service

  • Petar Kirov

    Petar Kirov


    Complete menu of services allows to define the assistance you need. Matrix Relocations offers employers the best total solution for relocation, providing a full menu of integrated global mobility services. These include: -Global operations in our Center of Excellence, located in Sofia, Bulgaria -Worldwide network of corporate relocation service providers -Extensive network of independent real estate agents with local market knowledge -Complementary insurance and financial products supporting Network Providers and transferees.

  • Matrix Relocations (Sofia)

    Matrix Relocations (Sofia)


    Delivering Mobility Solutions Independent, professional and highly experienced, Matrix Relocations is the premier choice of moving and relocation partner for individuals and corporates in SouthEast Europe. A multi-national corporation satisfying clients to the highest industry standards for more than 25 years. Integrity and ethical business practices have been the foundation on which we have built our expanded network of offices. Our partnerships embrace both our international colleagues and our local communities. Responsibility is our guiding star.

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