Manastirska Magernitsa Restaurant i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienManastirska Magernitsa Restaurant



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67, ulitsa "Han Asparuh", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 994 9400
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Latitude: 42.6893417, Longitude: 23.3245723

kommentar 5

  • Mariano Tzotchev

    Mariano Tzotchev


    I used to come several times to this restaurant since it has been opened. The food is still delicious however the service is really bad: -more than an hour for the food -informing me 45min later that the food I ordered is not anymore available … I left hungry from an 1h30min stay… -no excuse -not informing for the impossibility to pay by card I really hope that this service would change! Such a pity !

  • P. Bouyer

    P. Bouyer


    The waitress makes fun of what you pick, and seems very unfamiliar with the concept of politeness, the wine (on top of being of suspicious taste) was served almost hot... calling this a Cabernet was an insult to the label... And, on top of that, they lied to us concerning the fact we could pay by card despite us seeing a payment terminal on the desk in the entrance... There's so much to criticize that I don't even have enough patience to make a list. Just don't go there, it's a trap.

  • Dobrin Ivanov

    Dobrin Ivanov


    Very cosy atmosphere in an authentic old house. The menu is very interesting as it has stories about the meals it offers and where they originate from too

  • Teodora Ursu

    Teodora Ursu


    Good food, traditional. I loved how they created their menu, it was so funny and inspiring :))) the atmosphere was amazing 🥳

  • Tomi Savov

    Tomi Savov


    Anazing place, fantastic food + they use their own meat and offer dishes with wild animals meat

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