Joy Station i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienJoy Station



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3, ulitsa "Akademik Stefan Mladenov", 1700, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 862 2967
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6544073, Longitude: 23.346991

kommentar 5

  • en

    Denitsa Gugova


    Great place for a fun night out. A good number of bowling alleys, which means that there'll always be at least one empty one for your team to play on. Apart from that, there is an ice-hockey table for 4 players, and other entertainment equipment. The place is well-maintained, the toilets are clean and many. There's a bar and place to rent bowling shoes (included in the price for the game), as well as a restaurant on the first floor. Prices are reasonable. The location is a bit far from the centre of the city, but it's easily accessible by bus and car (there's a free parking lot).

  • Fatme Feizulah

    Fatme Feizulah


    Very loud place with very high AC turned on. Thw toilets are clean. The bowling area is nice, but the shoes are smelly, but there is an option to buy socks.

  • Emil Emilov

    Emil Emilov


    Not too bad. Liked the decor. Would be a nice dance club for electronic rnb/trap music :) they serve food! Which is a big plus

  • bg

    Ivaylo Vasilev


    Страхотно място! Градината е уютна с изкуствена трева и удобни диванчета, шезлонги и фотьоили. Детската площадка е подходяща за деца до 12 години. Терасата е удобна и светла, подходяща както за среща с приятели, така и за организиране на тържества. Менюто е изискано и на умерени цени. На първия етаж има клуб, в който се организират различни събития. На втория етаж има страхотна боулинг зала, билярд, дарц и други.

  • Daniel Montero

    Daniel Montero


    Un lugar para pasar una tarde de bolos o jugar en las diferentes máquinas que hay.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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