Hotel Vereia в Stara Zagora

БългарияHotel Vereia


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100, bulevard "Tsar Simeon Veliki", 6000, Stara Zagora, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 42 919 373
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.4233866, Longitude: 25.6262395

коментари 5

  • Nomi Fi

    Nomi Fi


    Convenient location with a lot of clubs, parks and restaurants around which is great for pedestrian tourists visiting the town. The hotel is average, I would say overpriced and not that clean, but does the job. If you get a room on the frst floor, you are likely to hear the music coming from the club that`s located within the hotel. Breakfast was ok but nevertheless it was meant to end at 10:00, 09:45 already there was almost nothing left and the staff had to be told several times to take more food out.

  • Luke



    English man in Bulgaria! Reasonable place to stop. Nice staff.

  • Магазин ДАРИЯ

    Магазин ДАРИЯ


    Nice place with beautiful view. Good for relax and enjoy!!! Recommend it high!!! Nice food and drinks!!! Thank you!!!

  • Hukumo Hukumo

    Hukumo Hukumo


    My room was on the second floor, and there was very loud music coming out from the hotel restaurant especially between 23:00 and 01:00h. which was absolutely not acceptable. The lady from the reception was very rude and didn’t want to sort this issue. They need to understand what they really want.. to be a good hotel or night club? Both on one place is not possible. The parking cost extra 10 lv, which was not exactly clear when you make the reservation. there is no alternative place where you can stop, because it is in the centre, so you have to pay. This is first place where I go, booked from booking where I was asked for extra payment for my room. The room smells badly to chloride and cheep cleaning agents. The bed was very uncomfortable. All together: late night high noise, parking issues, bad smell, left me very disappointed from my visit.

  • Radostina Dobreva

    Radostina Dobreva


    The hotel benefits from it's location - just in the heart of the city. If your are driving you can use the hotel parking. The rooms are relatively clean. The heating works well in the winter. However the bathroom is very small and quite dark. Also the bed was not comfortable at all. In general the hotel needs refurbishment. it is the biggest hotel in Stara Zagora and probably the best to use for big groups.

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