Hotel Trivia Antique в София

БългарияHotel Trivia Antique


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Kremikovski road, 1753 София, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 994 5250
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.7375608, Longitude: 23.4857065

коментари 5

  • Daniel Petrov

    Daniel Petrov


    3 star

  • Kalin Raychev

    Kalin Raychev


    Bad idea

  • Martin Markov

    Martin Markov


    Like a horror movie. Very dirty rooms! Death flies and insects in the rooms. Smells awful! Never again! Кошмари в хотела!

  • Milan Halada

    Milan Halada


    Spiders and spider webs in room. Hotel looks like something from a scary movie. If you cant find the receptionist, she is probably smoking in front of the hotel.

  • Louise Kelly

    Louise Kelly


    I am world traveller for over 20 years and I am always searching for that experience that stands out from the rest which makes for a memorable experience. Hotel Trivia Antique was defently one of my most unique hotel stays. The hotel itself is a art musuem with funky paintings all over the walls which is a plensure to walk the corridors to admire. Each room is set in different themes, we had the spacious spanish room with a four poster bed, antiques and evenues a Spanish guitar. The bathroom had a large freestanding bath set in Andalusian tiles. The Indian Ragistain room was also a visual delight with all the mirrors. When we booked we choose the room we liked and they facilitate this for us. The building is dripping in history and surround by mature trees. As the name suggests it's full of antiques such as statues and even old limousinesoms on the grounds. There is as tranquil seating area outside and we had as peaceful nights sleep. The local village with shops & restaurant is 10 minutes walk. We arrived late and even though the lady who runs the place does not speak English we received the warmest welcome in our two weeks of being in Bulgaria. She called for people to come to the resturant to prepare us food, Now that to me is hospitality! The entrance to the resturant is full of Cuban memorabilia which I loved. She got at 4 am to give us our airport wake up call. We choose to stay here as it was close to the city center and the airport but without the noise and the traffic, had such a peaceful sleep.

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