hotel Lovech в Lovech

Българияhotel Lovech


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12, ulitsa "Targovska", 5500, Lovech, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 68 604 717
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 43.1327945, Longitude: 24.7161058

коментари 5

  • Onur Recep

    Onur Recep


    The rooms can't even compare with the photos the rooms are like abandoned hospital! DON'T COME HERE NEVER!!!

  • Gergana Velcheva

    Gergana Velcheva


    Please choose other place to stay !!!!!!!!Really poor service. We arrived at 2:30 pm and they told us we need to wait because the rooms are not ready yet as the staff has break between 12-1 pm which is really unacceptable. How your staff will have break when they need to get everything ready for the clients which will arrive at 2 pm ???We asked how long it will take the and the receptionist of course didn’t know what to say. She promised to give us a call when the rooms are done so it’s been 2 hours and no one called. When we called the number for the reception the lady answered and she said that she can’t talk because there’s a lot If people and she’s busy.Really unprofessional and poor service.

  • Svetozar Dimitrov

    Svetozar Dimitrov


    Its very bad has bugs, after 5 dont have hot water, the breakfasts is not delicious.

  • Christoforos Aivazidis

    Christoforos Aivazidis


    It's like traveling back in time. The hotel is very very old. All the furniture is from 90's. The lobby needs to be renovated immediately. All the hotel need immediately renovation. The breakfast is very poor. The staff at the restaurant was smoking in the kitchen, don't knowhow safe and healthy this might be. The staff at the restaurant does not speak any English, unless you speak Bulgarian there are no chances you will understand each other. The positive is that the rooms was clean and there were water and refreshments in the minibar in room.

  • Stoyan Georgiev

    Stoyan Georgiev


    Days of old glory are long past. Except for excellent helpful staff the hotel is a derelict. Very uncomfortable and narrow beds. Almost no amenities. However, rooms are very clean, staff is doing everything to assist. Free wifi, free parking and perfect location. The food in the restaurant is very dull, but at breakfast you can ask and get almost anything cooked just for you.

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