Hotel Bellevue Golden Sands в Варна

БългарияHotel Bellevue Golden Sands


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Baba Aleno Area, 9007 Манастирски Рид, Варна, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 52 387 600
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 43.268613, Longitude: 28.028655

коментари 5

  • John Camp

    John Camp


    Booked this hotel in October 17 after such great time last year only to be called 4 weeks ago to be told the hotel would be closed on the middle Saturday (8th Sept). Although we were offered alternative accommodation, the hotel would not divulge the reason for the closure and said we would have to move out completely for the day! Totally unacceptable especially as that day is my birthday, totally disgusted with the management. Would have scored zero if I could!

  • Ana Christofor

    Ana Christofor


    We booked Bellevue by Thomas Cook and regretted it since we arrived as it s long way from Golden Sands as we have been said initially. It s located on top of few very narrow hills what was challenge because they havent been maintained for decades and massive holes were unavoidable. So if don't want to hike for 20-25 min on no exsisting sidewalks along the cars who just drive carelessly and on the heat of 39-40 C then you will need a car with tough suspentions. The rooms are spacious and staff were really nice and helpful. We haven't expected much of 3 star but i think it exceeded our expectations. Few ammendments as broken shower head and TV(very old) as well on few places pool's tiles were falling off. On other hand we had comfy sunbeds and umbrellas as well always free space. YIFY is only in the lobby and restaurant but not in the rooms. Food was very nice for 3 stars and exceeded its price. We personally would not choose because of the remote location,on other hand, up there was cooler and quite as well it does have nice views and big parking. Thank you for the excellent service and patientce Bellevue. We have had excellent and exceeded vallue for what we could afford. Kindest regards.

  • milana.w



    I was a week at the Hotel Bellevue and i like it.The Personal and the food was good:) Love Milana:)

  • Dimitar Ganchev

    Dimitar Ganchev


    They have a nice service. My room was with very beautiful view to the forest and the sea.

  • Kaloqn Jelqzkov

    Kaloqn Jelqzkov


    Nice place, but little bit hard to find route.

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