doors Sofia i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bulgariendoors Sofia



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59, ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“, 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 983 2226
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.7027997, Longitude: 23.3291448

kommentar 5

  • Marina Aleksandrova

    Marina Aleksandrova


    Закупихме врата през 2015-та. Идеята ни беше да сменим 10-тина врати, ако сме доволни. Не стига че вратата не се затваряше още ден след монтажа, беше и усукана. Ами трябваше да се молим и чакаме месеци за корекция. След като стигнахме до КЗП най-накрая получихме заветното посещение, по време на което ни обясниха как вратата си е супер. Но все пак ще я коригират. Който и да е дошъл у нас е втрещен от монтажа. Към днешна дата сраниците на касата изпадат. Вярно минали са 6 години. Днес тригодишния ни син отвори вратата и горната страна на касата му падна върху носа. Бясна съм! И за мен е абсолютно недопустимо тези врати да се монтират по този начин, защото е опасно! Съжалявам, че я поръчах и не препоръчвам на никого да си монтира такава врата в дома. При първа възможност ще я сменя. Но сцепения нос на сина ни няма бъде поправен от това!

  • Валентина Благоева

    Валентина Благоева


    Extremely friendly service.

  • Denis Mitev

    Denis Mitev


    I can say that I am satisfied only with the service of your employees, who consulted us very well and tried to help as much as possible in the subsequent problems. And they were: 1. I had to look for an additional person to install 2 interior and one armored front door, because your installation period is at least 1 month, at least that's how it was explained to us. 2. I had to look for transport so I could pick up my doors, which I don't think is right. 3. After I took the doors and we started the installation, it turned out that there were no basic fasteners and we had to improvise. This is unacceptable, because as soon as your employee came to take measurements, he warned us that this thing could happen. I secretly hoped we would get "lucky", but alas. I had several conversations with the girl who works in your store on Rakovska Street, expecting that the next day you will still be able to provide me with the missing fasteners in question, but again, alas, I had to wait another week because your transport had such a schedule. It would also be nice to have some installation instructions in place when the customer has chosen to make things happen faster and not wait for your installation services. Good thing I had a good master with me who managed to handle and install them. In general, the doors we offer are good in terms of price-quality, but you can further improve the services we offer. As far as the fact that you do not find my names in your requests is impossible, because everything is in my name, and you have my phone, because it is also recorded in the customer order. I think I was comprehensive enough, if you have something to tell me, you can find me on the phone. Have a nice evening and good luck!

  • Galina Yordanova

    Galina Yordanova


    Not happy with your choice. The service is unprofessional (I will save color comments) and do not offer home delivery if the installation of the doors is not requested, which in my opinion is not right. I would not recommend this company, it is a pity that I saw the reviews very late.

  • MGMarkov



    I invest in real estate and I constantly have to make repairs. I can safely say that another company like this does not exist, I have no idea how it still exists at all. Their services are, to put it mildly, INCREDIBLY SLOW. You wait 20 days for an inspection, then another 20 days for anything to be done. The employees of the company seemed to collect them from homes for the mentally retarded. I tell them "2 locks don't work, the handle of one is removed", after 17 WORKING days, "Will you tell me what the problem is exactly", "But I told you, 2 locks don't work, the handle of one is removed", " We don't have any information, we will write it down ", on the 21st WORKING DAY" will you open the door for me to see what the problem is, that no one told me anything "," But I explained to several people "," Well, nobody explained anything did not say ". After the statement I attach, I am told that I have to wait another 20 WORKING days. People, use other companies, Doorman still have problems, but they are 100,000 times better and offer better products.

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