Дениз Травел ЕООД в Sofia

БългарияДениз Травел ЕООД


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Неделяпочивен ден
21, ulitsa "Petar Parchevich", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 865 1277
уеб сайт: deniztravel.net
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6914336, Longitude: 23.3167974

коментари 5

  • Krasimir Tiloev

    Krasimir Tiloev


    The trip from 20.09.2020 to Istanbul was great. I will be happy to use the services of this company in the future.

  • Didi Kacheva

    Didi Kacheva


    I am very pleased with the trip to Rupite and with the guide Ivan on 12.9 2020

  • Maria Bratanova

    Maria Bratanova


    I am more angered by the nasty excursion and nasty attitude that this company has given us. Absolutely no organization, insolent attitude towards travelers, delays of more than an hour still on departure, arriving at hotels always in the middle of the night, ie. no time to walk around the city and more. It would be difficult to fit in less than 100 pages to express everything ... The pseudo-guide from the Turkish side had no idea where he was or what to tell us about the place, he was lying all the time, giving the wrong information and just begging for a tip from people. I would say not only do you not do your job, but it even prevented the excursion from running normally. On top of that, on Day 4, we were taken on a flight to travel from Cappadocia to Istanbul, and in the meantime it turned out that the Turkish tour guide had forgotten his luggage, so we had to "round" by going to Ankara to get him from the previous hotel. The boss was hiding all the time, nothing that she was completely aware of the mess. The BG tour guide, who kept repeating that he was just an organizer, traveled for the first time without training, nevertheless tried to calm the situation, but when surrounded by such unpleasant colleagues it is impossible. And instead of embarrassing and improving things, they waste their time keeping an eye on their customers for the negative comments they deserve after the excursion. Just a full blade. The most awful excursion a tour agency can provide. You come back more tired mentally than rested. Poor people who signed up for a trip after us. DO NOT GO!

  • Mima Naskova

    Mima Naskova


    The treasured and long-awaited excursion began an hour late. We later learned that the reason was the 40 minute delay of the group leader! That was just the beginning ... The real tragedy began with the accession of Turkish guide Khalil. The man turned out to be an annoying and incompetent tourist with no money. He said nothing about the places visited or Turkey. The only thing he was "competent" to share with us was what the prices of the apartments were and where the "malls" were (for him every tall building is a mall!) We swallowed that, but the tip was when he said that on the fourth day we had to leave early and the tourists couldn't fly a balloon (some of which came!) We all objected and still people were flying. We went to Istanbul ... oh! It turned out that the "tour guide" in question had forgotten his suitcase in Ankara !!!!! We were coming back for him! Istanbul last day! Crowded program, saving 3D projection due to lack of time (paid by tourists!), Delayed by 2 hours for taking from the hotel to the rest of the group. Aquarium ... 50min. for visiting! Departure from Edirne to Bulgaria at 8 and 15 pm! I do not know about the company, but with this incompetent behavior I will never use their services again! However, it is their responsibility to be careful who they hire, because that builds their image! And last but not least, these were the most striking things!

  • Lili Sokolova

    Lili Sokolova


    I was very disappointed with Denise Travel's services. Don't travel with them unless you want to have bad memories and broken dreams. No organization. From the very beginning, the company representative (a young man of twenty, traveling for the first time and not at all ignorant of where he was and where he was going) was half an hour late. No explanation as to whether we have insurance, to whom and how to contact an insurer should something happen. The tourism program was cluttered without taking the time to explore the sights they are taking you to and for which you pay four times the price in euros. The Turkish side guide was insolent and ruthless. I learned more about his personal life than about the sights in Turkey. Not to mention that some of them did not enter at all and left the whole group to manage on their own. One of the hotels they accommodated was below average without basic conditions like hot water and with no hygiene. Dirty not cleaned sink, torn pillow cases and fuses that kept falling, leaving us with no electricity in the contacts and no boiler. I would not repeat.

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