Cultural Center G8 i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienCultural Center G8



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ulitsa "William Gladstone", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 995 0080
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6921297, Longitude: 23.3155953

kommentar 5

  • Diana Trifonova

    Diana Trifonova


    G8 is one of my favorite cinema spots in Sofia. My newest discovery is that the center offers summer screenings in its garden. A ticket for this type of screening costs 10 leva and it includes a cold drink - in my case once I was given a rose, an the second time I visited I was offered Aperol cocktail. G8 offers a nice selection of movie titles you will not see at the regular cinemas. Apart from the summer garden the screening halls inside the building are very cozy, with great sound systems and good screens. They are similarly small like the space in the garden, but this makes each visit even more intimate.

  • Моника Петрова

    Моника Петрова


    The staff was very impolite. I am very sorry for the low rating but please, put smile and positive attitude in this cinema aura... Поздрави и със здраве!

  • Irina Tsankova

    Irina Tsankova


    Real gem! Very nice, small and cosy place for cinema lovers. All of you that appreciate good movies (European, festival ect.) I highly recommend!

  • en

    Gary Rowlands


    Super place to go for those wonderful films you just cant see everywhere, coffee, chat even a beer, if you choose. Look online or just go. Its easy to get to and hard to come away from :)

  • en

    Иван Давидов


    Interesting, independent and local cinema. Nice snacks and beers. Sometimes the image quality is not so good and the hall gets easily cramped.

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