Club Fargo i Plovdiv

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienClub Fargo



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Дом на техника, ulitsa "Gladston" 1, 4000 Tsentar, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 87 720 0607
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.1424968, Longitude: 24.7452508

kommentar 5

  • Artur Correia

    Artur Correia


    We did a 2 weeks road trip though Bulgaria and Romania. Club Fargo was, by a mile, our favorite place. The atmosphere was great (lots of people, even though it was a Tuesday around 23). Music was amazing for any indie rock lover (Arcade Fire, The Strokes, etc). You can get a big beer and a shot for around 3 euros and cocktails are also super good. The staff is super nice and helpful and know their stuff. For sure, a big big highlight of Plovdiv.

  • Svetoslav Lalev

    Svetoslav Lalev


    Very nice night club, the atmosphere is great, it's on a very convenient spot next to the city centre, and the prices are quite good.

  • Vincent Leclère

    Vincent Leclère


    Good mood. Music is nice. Coktails are really well done. Atmosphere is really nice. Many special evening events. Don't hesitate. Come and enjoy your time!

  • Kris HeaDStr0nG

    Kris HeaDStr0nG


    Really nice place. Great atmosphere and service. If you visit, you have to try the cappuccino and the Bloody Mary.

  • Bobby Markov

    Bobby Markov


    Good cocktails, awesome vibe and music to die for. Definitely recommend!

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