Beauty Studio MS Vision в Sofia

БългарияBeauty Studio MS Vision


почивен ден

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Неделяпочивен ден
156, ulitsa "Kozloduy", 1233, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 89 911 4999
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.7081817, Longitude: 23.3079881

коментари 5

  • Mariana Darakchieva

    Mariana Darakchieva



  • Виолетка Георгиева

    Виолетка Георгиева


    I am a client at the 2 nd year and I would like to express my gratitude to the team of this studio! Aside from being perfect professionals, the attitude towards their clients is as if we are at home at home! Milena is an absolute professional, and with the brush she does miracles! No stickers, decals, every drawing is alive! 💅 I recommend hot! ❤

  • Aleksandra Pavlova

    Aleksandra Pavlova


    There are no lies or inventions - this is my experience in the saloon. It does not make you an honor to bark with me rather than apologize to me - it is obvious to you that you are not a professional. The customer is always right! This is my opinion and I say it openly! Instead of accepting criticism worthy, you are attacking me. It was not enough careless attitude during the procedure, you continue with it now. It is obviously a way of working and thinking. To the owners: the manicurist allowed himself a bland behavior and offended against a colleague! Besides, there was no sticking of the broken claw! You lie and can not accept criticism of the work of the staff.

  • Desislava Vasileva

    Desislava Vasileva


    To Alexandra Pavlova .. I do not honor this false comment, I have been a client of the salon for many years, the staff are great professionals and great as people, kindly helpful. I personally attended your procedure and I can say that you 40 You have not stopped criticizing the Manicurist who has done your old lacquer. Now you criticize again. Everyone has the right to choice and opinion but let's be objective .. You behaved wonderful and professional .. and suddenly I read your comment full of lies ..What are you earning? I do not know that? Each of us has at least once had a procedure he may not have been happy with, but that does not mean that we should immediately spit out someone. And I do not think that such a comment can refuse many other satisfied customers at the saloon ... I also work in the sphere of service and one will tell you Mrs. Alexandrova 10 clients to have satisfied there will always be one unhappy, but that does not mean some is unprofessional .. On the day before, and before we put a stain on someone let it first think ..

  • Alexandra Pavlova

    Alexandra Pavlova


    Unprofessional service of low quality. The manicurist behaved extremely boldly, and during the whole procedure she was talking about how badly and wrongly my forehead gel was made. The manicure made by her did not shine, and after three days she began to peel off. Separately, she billed me for the old lacquer's dress, because it was not made by her. The attitude was extremely unprofessional!

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