Art Gallery & Bar - Stavri Kalinov в Sofia

БългарияArt Gallery & Bar - Stavri Kalinov



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Понеделникпочивен ден
Неделяпочивен ден
6, bulevard "Tsar Osvoboditel", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 851 0355
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по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6955017, Longitude: 23.3282279

коментари 5

  • dako Lisichkov

    dako Lisichkov


    Great place for connoisseurs and admirers of art!

  • Silvia Moskova

    Silvia Moskova


    A wonderful occasion for art lovers to honor the gallery of a unique artist and enjoy the works of STAVRI KALINOV. You are greeted by the gallery lady-stylish lady, who politely offers you a welcome to quench your thirst and your guide is ready to answer your questions and an indispensable consultant. I highly recommend visiting the gallery, you will be satisfied

  • Radi Stefs

    Radi Stefs


    You won't see such a gallery anywhere in the world. Stavri Kalinov's tidy exposition is constantly being updated with new works by the author. Each time a person enters, he or she feels surrounded by many mystical creatures and the provocative art of the artist. I strongly recommend it to anyone who has a taste for non-standard, color and exquisite. Different styles which presents the author arouse admiration and respect. Very suitable for foreign connoisseurs, tourists and guests of Sofia.

  • Дейанира Борисова

    Дейанира Борисова


    Every time I walk through the boulevard, I stop at this gallery with interest. And if Mr. Stavri Kalinov there, the calls always made me think about what is actually valuable in a lifetime. You can find any works made through any techniques. A visit can definitely be compared to traveling through different forms of art.

  • Generalissimus Headquarters

    Generalissimus Headquarters


    I wanted to buy a stuff from the gallery, but the gallery owner was in inadequate condition. He spoke in some strange language, which sounded like a word from neologisms that made no sense at all. A young girl, perhaps a curator at the gallery, explained that he was currently receiving an astral transmission ... that was normal for artists at his level. At one point, he spoke to the Bulgarian shouting that his life had gone to the cinema for whatever he had stolen from his works. We hurried to get out of the gallery scared with my girlfriend. Otherwise, things that we liked, but his boredom has come in more and he is not speaking to himself. Why his relatives do not take him to a doctor I wanted to buy a decorative artwork from the gallery, but the gallery owner was inadequate. Speaking in some strange language sounded like a word of words from neologisms that had no meaning. A young girl, perhaps a curator at the gallery, explained that he was receiving astral transmission ... that was normal for artists at his level. At one point, he spoke to the Bulgarian shouting that his life had gone to the cinema for whatever he had stolen from his works. We hurried to get out of the gallery scared with my girlfriend. Otherwise, things we liked, but his boredom has come in more and he is not talking to himself. Why his relatives do not take him to a doctor

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