Адвокат Венелин Йорданов в Sofia

БългарияАдвокат Венелин Йорданов


почивен ден

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Неделяпочивен ден
№ 99, ulitsa "Knyaz Boris I", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 88 407 4421
уеб сайт: advokatblog.com
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6960255, Longitude: 23.318468

коментари 5

  • Евгения Клисурска

    Евгения Клисурска


    Lawyer Venelin Yordanov is a man with a heart. He is able to fully understand his clients and all this thanks to his innate empathy. Reliability, clarity, high professionalism, competence, passion, altruism ... these are the values ​​I found in him. It is difficult to find such competent lawyers who, above all, listen to and understand the needs of their clients. Thanks to the law firm Yordanov I managed to achieve justice in real estate cases! Lawyer Yordanov is one of the best lawyers I have ever met: he is very fair and above all honest. He stands out for his perseverance in pursuing the goal and is a great example, especially for all who practice the same profession.

  • Radoslava Cherneva

    Radoslava Cherneva


    I highly recommend lawyer Yordanov. He has been my lawyer for 10 years! He has helped me many times in various cases - illegally filed cases by Toplofikatsiya, division of property in case of divorce, preparation of tender documentation! I am infinitely impressed by the combination of high professionalism and warm, humane attitude!




    I would like to share my great satisfaction with my work with the law firm Yordanov. We are an accounting firm and since 2010 we have been using the legal services of lawyer Yordanov to resolve various cases of administrative, commercial and tax law, which affect the rights and interests of the companies we represent. As his clients we get understanding and empathy, but more importantly - an extremely professional attitude, backed by very high competence. The most impressive thing for us was that the cases we entrusted to him were from completely different areas of law, but nevertheless he managed to bring each of them to a successful conclusion with competent advice, correct strategies and enviable perseverance. In each case, the risk points were carefully analyzed, and the other party's attempts to prevail in the cases were accepted in cold blood and skillfully parried with logical arguments. Lawyer Yordanov is a professional who can be relied on and trusted when he needs legal advice.

  • Denica Marinova

    Denica Marinova


    Great professional. A person who understands his job! I recommend lawyer Yordanov with both hands!

  • Jordan Krastanov

    Jordan Krastanov


    I have been using the services of lawyer Venelin Yordanov for 12 years. He is correct, expeditious, loyal. I am very pleased with the work. I recommend!

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