WinBet i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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100, bulevard "Cherni vrah", 1407, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 92 919 016
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.657039, Longitude: 23.3134373

kommentar 5

  • Tohata Todorov

    Tohata Todorov


    I am ahead with 10 leva

  • Ivan Mihaylov

    Ivan Mihaylov


    Staff is completely unaware of whatsoever. RTP percentage is very low as I have been going there for a few months now. I suggest not to go there, or at least play with small amounts. No perks for people how often visit and spend more money.

  • Chacho



    The place was completely small and flowing without too much clutter Great for low concerns, great staff and dealers The place is great, not too big and great environment. Not too many people around, great place for low bets and the staff there is super friendly, I really enjoyed my time there.

  • Panayiotis Koinis

    Panayiotis Koinis


    When I asked for them to fund my ticket of 7 leva , the cashier refused telling me to "game them back", when i insisted on funding my ticket , he closed the counter and just left.

  • Pawel Bury

    Pawel Bury


    It's cheaper to use Internet bets

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