Warsteiner Garden i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienWarsteiner Garden


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1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
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Latitude: 42.6978999, Longitude: 23.3195536

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Hristova

    Victoria Hristova


    Definitely avoid this place! Quite pricey for the Low quality of food you get! Didn’t see a garden, no idea why they included it in the name. You eat in a basement, where smoking is allowed, despite it is forbidden in accordance the Bulgarian law. After leaving this place you smell like you have cooked the food while you where smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. ;)

  • Assen Blagoev

    Assen Blagoev


    Best place for a late dinner after enjoying a play at the National Theater. Modest prices for downtown, Balkan and Bulgarian cuisine.

  • Danail Dimitrov

    Danail Dimitrov


    There is separate smoking area. In compare with other restaurants in this area the prices are low. The food is good.

  • Ivan Tonev

    Ivan Tonev


    Location: great Beer: great (draught Warsteiner) Service: good Food: simply horrific. Had a cheeseburger with chicken wings and both were disgusting. The meat was probably the cheapest money can buy and smelled like bad vegetable oil. I couldn't finish my meal..

  • Стилияна Коева

    Стилияна Коева


    I highly recommend this place. Great location, good food and prices.

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