The Gallery i Veliko Tarnovo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienThe Gallery



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ulitsa "Alexander Stamboliyski", 5003, Veliko Tarnovo, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 542 4427
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0820261, Longitude: 25.6384809

kommentar 5

  • Михаела Маринова

    Михаела Маринова


    Много хубаво и уникално място. В него се крие чара и обаяние то на Велико Търново. В самия център на града е, но на свежо и спокойно място. На самата галерия се намира кафенето, до паметника на конниците и стамболовия мост. Точно до мястото тече река Янтра. Това за мен е символа на Велико Търново. Страх о място за летните месеци. Заслужава си посещението!

  • William Thrower

    William Thrower


    My favourite place in Veliko Tarnovo. Fantastic bar with a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Great range of bar snacks - including popcorn which the children love. Amazing views of the town, and not far from Sveta Gora which is well worth a visit too. Great for a visit during the day or into the evening, with many live music events throughout the summer. Cannot recommend highly enough.

  • Cveta Krusteva

    Cveta Krusteva


    Best place ever!

  • Peter Vassilev

    Peter Vassilev


    I played a concert there. The place is magnificent - the bar is great and the view to the city is breathtaking. The gallery itself is more than excellent. Go and check it out without thinking twice!

  • Neven Boyanov

    Neven Boyanov


    Great view. Good place to have a drink and spend the evening.

nærmeste Cafe

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