The Egg Bar i Sofia

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BulgarienThe Egg Bar



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1, ulitsa "Lom", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
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Latitude: 42.6973493, Longitude: 23.3203922

kommentar 5

  • Yana (Yana)

    Yana (Yana)


    Cute little place with good variety of beers.

  • Stewart Powderly

    Stewart Powderly


    Went to this place expecting a good selection of beers based on other reviews. The bartender was immediately annoyed that we didn’t speak Bulgarian even though it would have been easy enough to just order our drinks by pointing out what we wanted. They had 5 beers on tap and 2 were not available, made us order through a woman that was sitting at a table. Was going to order a second round but the bartender sat outside at a table the entire time we were there. When we asked to pay our tab he became irate that we tried to pay our 11 leva tab with a 50 leva bill (what the atm provided) and grunted at us and handed back our change and walked away immediately to go back to his table outside. I would avoid this place if you are just visiting and looking to enjoy a beer, many other places nearby that had much better selection and service.

  • Kalin Dimitrov

    Kalin Dimitrov


    Good beer, good music, air conditioning.

  • Viki To

    Viki To


    Very rude behavior from the owner. he is constantly in a bad mood, arguing with clients. if you want to drink only one beer, he doesn't like that, he almost kicked me out because I wanted to drink only one beer. I do not recommend! People like that should not own a bar. 👎 ⛔

  • Atanas Stoev (NFSpeedy)

    Atanas Stoev (NFSpeedy)


    The Egg Bar is a really nice and chill place. The selection of beers is extraordinary. I would suggest the "Mother in law" beer, it is appropriate for when you want to talk with a friend and loose track of time (both the bar and the beer). Will visit again.

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