Technopolis Serdika Center i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienTechnopolis Serdika Center



🕗 åbningstider

48, bulevard "Sitnyakovo", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 892 7927
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.691456, Longitude: 23.353777

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Peter-ov

    Alexander Peter-ov


    Best electronics shop in Sofia.

  • Илиян Стоянов

    Илиян Стоянов


    Great and useful

  • Ancelin Jeremy

    Ancelin Jeremy


    Price wise is okay. However the only people asking you if you need anything are the credit and leasing guys... I mean the staff too busy discussing to offer you advice and impression of not feeling welcomed at all

  • Rossen Gabrovski

    Rossen Gabrovski


    Shop manager hasn't heard about customer satisfaction. After purchasing a car charger along with another 4 items and returning this one item to shop (1 hour after purchase - right after trying it in the car upon leaving the Mall and seeing it does not charge phone), I was declined to get an exchange item. They said they will return it to service shop and I should wait another 1 month and make another visit for a defective €12 car charger. Poor service.

  • Oleksii Pieshkov

    Oleksii Pieshkov


    Good and big shop, but price isn't competitive. Also you can test devices here and buy then in internet more cheaper. ;)

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