Supermarket CBA i Ruse

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BulgarienSupermarket CBA



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93, ulitsa "Alexandrovska", 7002, Ruse, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 52 463 245
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8523721, Longitude: 25.9570933

kommentar 5

  • Steve Lyall

    Steve Lyall


    Good selection of products. eating area. Fruits, vegetables, frozen foods, toiletries just to name but a few.

  • Uncle Billy

    Uncle Billy


    Easily the best supermarket in Ruse. Better than Billa, much better than Lidl. Well stocked with fresh crisp vegetables, an excellent range of meats, perfect fruit. Clean, easy to find whatever you're looking for. Occasionally Billa will have a better deal on wine, particularly red Bulgarian wine, but for anything else, CBA is far and away your best choice.

  • Doron Sane

    Doron Sane


    I think 2 stars are already too much for this shop (as for all CBA shops in BG I've visited) Many products are past or near expiration date and the smell of rotten fish and meat is present all over the place... Better avoid

  • Abstract3030



    It is ok. Has all you might need for a grocery store. It is not too big to get lost in it and also have a very good deli section. my opinion a greatly underutilized for the prime location it is.

  • Cheff Olegoff

    Cheff Olegoff


    Very nice local shop... Works till late and has a lot of staff... I like the promo alchocol

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