SpeedyCars LTD в Sofia

БългарияSpeedyCars LTD



🕗 работно време

ж.к. Манастирски ливади 28, 1404 Manastirski Livadi, Sofia, Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 87 864 7273
уеб сайт: www.speedycars.eu
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6602368, Longitude: 23.2931593

коментари 5

  • Pavlin Delchev

    Pavlin Delchev


    I strongly recommend this rent a car company. Since 2010 I have rented cars and vans on numerous occasions from Speedy Cars and never had a problem with them. Always on time, clean and fully operational this is you number one choice for rent a car in Bulgaria and the Balkans. Mobile ATM payments, cash, invoices - anything you need and expect. I have also recommended them to all of my friends and colleagues and they were all very satisfied. You can count on them :)

  • en

    Yavor Pavlov


    I used SpeedyCars services 3 times for the last 5 months. Very competitive prices far better offers than most of the big companies especially for larger vehicles. Every time the cars was in perfect condition and according to my needs. Every time i was offered airport pick up and drop off which was convenient for me way to receive and return the car. No issues with hidden costs or unmentioned charges. Accurate and professional service.

  • Yani K

    Yani K


    I used Speedycars for the first, and had such a great experience. Clear and helpful communication both by email and phone. The members of the team ware considering and making sure that I have no issues along my car rental booking. In terms of prices I received exclusive value for money, really well kept vehicle with vignette tax paid, good tires, full tank ready to go and nothing to worry about :) They were also really helpful to manage the changes in time according my flight schedule. Looking forward to use Speedycars services again. Thank you!

  • Marina Jordanova

    Marina Jordanova


    Great company and professionals! The cars are new and always in a very good condition, clean and save. The prices are much better then many international companies. I use them every year and I can always relay on them! Thank you Stanislav!

  • Chris Boychev

    Chris Boychev


    The best car rental service in Sofia ! Have been renting from them for past 4 years and I will always rent only from them. They always go above and beyond to accommodate my requests. The cars are always clean. What I like most is that they treat their costumers like friends, with a great understanding of their unique circumstances.

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