Sofia Hotel Balkan, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Sofia i София

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BulgarienSofia Hotel Balkan, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Sofia



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Square, площад „Света Неделя“, 1000, София, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 981 6541
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6970377, Longitude: 23.322337

kommentar 5

  • Cherry Cake

    Cherry Cake


    The location was great. But the rooms are definitely not 5 star. I would really not class this hotel as 5 stars. I moved from the Intercontinental to this hotel for 1 night just for a change as I thought it looked stunning from outside. I was a bit disappointed, shouldn't have moved. I would like to give 5 big starts to Anton the reception guy who was so incredibly helpful though. And he was new there, but was way more helpful than the rest..

  • Biba George

    Biba George


    With a style. Clean, central location. Friendly and responsible staff. I forgot something in the room, they managed to get my items back. Many thanks

  • Roman Hohlbein

    Roman Hohlbein


    Perfect location to explore Sofia. The rooms are modern, the bathroom has a big shower. Unfortunately the fitness room is just a re-utalized standard room. I expect more for a 5* hotel.

  • Andrea



    This is an amazingly beautiful hotel situated perfectly in downtown Sofia. The staff was exceptionally helpful and nice, always greeting me with a smile and a "hello". I stayed for two months and Evelin made sure that my stay was the best and that I did not want for anything. The grand building was built with beautiful marble floors and staircases while the updated rooms are elegant and sleek with new technology for ease of access. Not to forget the location, which cannot be beat, is right near many historical Churches, Roman ruins, and of course the renowned Vitosha Street for shopping and restaurants. Just a few steps away from the Metro as well, which is quite easy to get around on. This is a definite MUST when visiting Sofia.

  • Christos Anagnostakis

    Christos Anagnostakis


    Iconic Sofia Hotel

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