Sesame i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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47, bulevard "General Mihail D. Skobelev", 1606, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 88 934 4003
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6897258, Longitude: 23.31334

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Nikolov

    Daniel Nikolov


    This is a casino, not a bank, the girls are very good, it doesn't give every time, but this is normal, and unlike the other sesame seeds in Sofia, only this and Kableshkov becomes something of them, in the others he just sniffs and drinks. yells at you, especially in the sesame of the wagon, disgust is there,

  • Iphone Se

    Iphone Se


    Unique villages reign there. They have gathered the bottom of the province. The manager doesn't know where he is, a complete oligophrenic. I won BGN 150 in 2 minutes, I don't say that because I lost. Separately, I waited for a water for 10 minutes, which never came, and I was remarked that I did not keep my distance if another person sat behind me on the next machine. Impudent, ugly and uneducated. With 2 bachelors and 2 masters, one of them is from London and I am 29 years old. , I guess it is clear that a more cultured customer did not have. But this is Bulgaria. Peasants and simplicity are respected and there is no place for young, cultured and educated people.

  • TheDON Eddy

    TheDON Eddy


    Sunshine girls as staff without a Snake hissing, a heavy governor who doesn't even say good morning, thank you for paying my salary !!! But you always have a chance to go to one lev for consolation;)

  • Borislav Minev

    Borislav Minev


    Dark small nasty people

  • Nick Mack

    Nick Mack


    Best way to get poor

nærmeste Kasino

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