Ramada by Wyndham Sofia City Center i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienRamada by Wyndham Sofia City Center



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131, булевард „княгиня Мария Луиза“, 1202, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 933 8888
internet side: www.wyndhamhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7082648, Longitude: 23.3222951

kommentar 5

  • Cenap Galagan

    Cenap Galagan


    There is nice costumer service and lovely stuff.. breakfast is OK but they have no free espresso.. u shut pay for it if u want.. Dry cleaning prices are so expensive u can check the prices from my pictures.. but room service and diner who I order its ok. Prices too..🙂

  • Orhan Gokcen

    Orhan Gokcen


    New rooms are spacious. Nice location nice hotel..

  • Graham Penrose

    Graham Penrose


    The Victoria Spa treatments are top class & the staff are excellent. The pool is large and clean. The location is 15 minutes walk from most of the major historical sites in Sofia and from Sofia city centre if having business meetings there. The concierge's and chaps on security at the hotel entrance & casino are pure gents and couldn't be friendlier. Taxi rank right outside the door. Hotel Shuttle service to airport is a hassle free trip for 9EUR.

  • krasimir mihaylov

    krasimir mihaylov


    Excellent place with excellent staff but it just was not my cup of tea.

  • Julia Dimitrova

    Julia Dimitrova


    The spa center area is great, also the terrace outside (you can also order a shisha) and the pool. The staff at the spa is so nice and welcoming.

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