Pulse Fitness & Spa i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienPulse Fitness & Spa



🕗 åbningstider

47, ulitsa "Rezbarska", 1517, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 700 44 044
internet side: www.pulsefit.bg
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7101561, Longitude: 23.3655091

kommentar 5

  • Lena Svetlinova

    Lena Svetlinova


    Nice place for a perfect workout!😊

  • Georgi Georgiev

    Georgi Georgiev


    The spa is good! It's the only thing that I've tried there so far.

  • Pavlina Borisova

    Pavlina Borisova


    My favourite gym in Sofia - lockers are nice and spacious, the gym is good, the spa is very nice.

  • en

    Tsvetomir Tsvetanov


    Facilities are OK. The parking is big but you better not use it during winter. They don't clean it and it looks like a small hell. Personnel is nice and helpful. Not a bad place but there are also other options in Sofia

  • en

    Maria M.


    The facility is nice and definitely well-maintained. There is a parking area which is large enough and customers can almost always find a free spot. The staff however is extremely rude and impolite, especially the two ladies working at the sales dept. I have never been treated in such uncivil and condescending manner, all due to the fact I requested cancelling my membership. Another significant disadvantage is the crowd in busy hours (6 - 10 pm) and the long wait for most of the equipment.

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