PM Club i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienPM Club



🕗 åbningstider

ulitsa "Pozitano", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 867 0600
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6955048, Longitude: 23.3229096

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tanjou Tcholak


    Excellent atmosphere, great service and polite security guards.

  • en

    Aurélio Silva


    I will say the same as may other people already said in this thread. If you are a foreigner, they will charge you 50 BGN to go in, and they say that drinks inside are 40 BGN. That is what the security guards told us on a Thursday we went there. And we asked a second time (just to double check because it seemed overly expensive), and they told us the same, but already getting upset and raising their voice. Then I told some bulgarian friends about this, and they were astonished, saying the cover is usually only 10 BGN. Those bulgarian friends advised us to make a reservation to avoid the high fee. So my friend called the club to make a reservation for the following Saturday. They told us we should arrive around 12, and that's what we did. We get there, say the name of the reservation, and they tell us the same story again, 50 BGN cover and drinks inside 40 BGN. Just telling you this story so you can know that they will try to take advantage of you even if you make a reservation. I've been in several clubs in serveral cities all over Europe, and this is by far the saddest example of discrimination I've seen, even though we are in 2018. Those people don't deserve your time, your money or your respect. Fortunately there other amazing clubs in Sofia, use your time wisely :)

  • Denis Ivanov

    Denis Ivanov


    Three stars only due to the fact that smoking is allowed. Other than that - a great club

  • en

    Franci Russi


    If you speak in English, you will pay 50 BGN and not 15 or 20 BGN like all Bulgarian persons. This is not honest! ATTENTION!!!

  • MrMichael



    The reason why I given this a one star was due to yesterday me and my friend was going to go into the club which is exactly in the same building/next door to Hotel Rila were we are staying. We know that the entrance fee should be 10 BGN and the door man was charging us 50 BGN, so we walked away as they were trying to charge us more than the going rate!!! This is unacceptable and must be looked into by the owners if they are not aware of this happening. They must look at all the reviews on this thread which clearly shows there is a problem with over charging people. You will loose tourism to enter into the club due to this.

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