Pizza Lab i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienPizza Lab



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101, bulevard "Aleksandar Stamboliyski", 7701, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.6983306, Longitude: 23.3093106

kommentar 5

  • Paul Visuian

    Paul Visuian


    It only takes a few minutes to get a tasty pizza with the ingredients you like and everything is done in front of your eyes, starting with the dough and finishing with the packaging.

  • simona genovese

    simona genovese


    The customer service email is not working. I ordered a medium pizza with extra pepperoni, what I got was a single slice of pepperoni on each slice and I do not think that was "extra". There was one piece with 2 slices on it and that is about it.

  • Lora Nielsen

    Lora Nielsen


    Lovely! Such a great product in each and every outlet across Bulgaria! Possibly the best pizza in Bulgaria! High quality products with a tag of their country of origin! Transparency in the kitchen, high level of hygiene! Tasty pizzas! Gluten free pizza!!!! 10 kinds of cheese, 10 different meat cuts... 10-15 different veggies (even a pineapple). Absolutely amazing to get such a big pizza for only 9lv!!!!!! Recommended from the bottom of my heart (and stomach!).

  • Стеф Тодорова

    Стеф Тодорова


    Usually perfect but today's delivery was a disappointment. The pizza that was supposed to have mozzarella, fresh mozzarella, cheddar and pepperoni had no pepperoni. The other one barely had green peppers compared to everything else. Please do better next time.

  • Darby de Bies

    Darby de Bies


    Configure your pizza 🍕 as desired. I went for the whole grain pizza bottom, with the traditional tomato sauce. I topped it off with mozzarella, cheddar, pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms and olives. They have a lot of toppings you can choose from. Go configure your pizza just the way you like it!

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