Park Hotel Stratesh i Lovech

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienPark Hotel Stratesh



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Парк Стратеш, Парк Хотел "Стратеш", 5500 Stratesh, Lovech, Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 89 430 0350
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.136318, Longitude: 24.721877

kommentar 5

  • Todor Tonkov

    Todor Tonkov


    The location and view are beautiful. The personal was very helpful and welcoming. The room was OK. The food wasn't perfect but nice. We're pretty satisfied with our stay here.

  • Ivaylo Ivanov

    Ivaylo Ivanov


    Very good place for eat and outstanding view of the Lovech city

  • Flávia Sousa

    Flávia Sousa


    Horrible experience. They speak very poor English. The owner / receptionist is super rude. Two small children were playing and one of the 2-year-old children splashed a glass of juice. The lady made us pay 15levs for a glass and spoke with much lack of education. It is not about the money but the atittude. When we did the check-out they made us wait to see if we had stolen or spoiled anything. I worked in hotels in the past and i also stayed in many places. I never saw this kind of atitude.

  • Filipa Pontes

    Filipa Pontes


    I give a star because I can't give less than a star. The hotel is horrible... dont go there... First of all the owner is absolutly of the craziest people i have ever met... always mad at children because of their beeing lound (when they weren't even beeing lound! Than my 2 year old baby accidently broke a glass she made us pai for the glass (5 euros for a poor quality glass). She was rude tp the ghests...and to the people that work fpr her. As far as hotel experiences was one of my worst experiences... dont recommend...

  • Vygantas Virketis

    Vygantas Virketis


    The view is beautiful! Food is pretty good but service was terrible, the food came late. We was disappointed!

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