Orange Center i Sofia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BulgarienOrange Center



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18, ulitsa "Graf Ignatiev", 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
kontakter telefon: +359 2 981 0400
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.693154, Longitude: 23.323289

kommentar 5

  • Gergana Petrowa

    Gergana Petrowa


    Polite staff, wide variety of books, games, music etc. Copy/print services. Cozy cafetería on the top floor.

  • toon andringa

    toon andringa


    Greatest in Sofia atmosphere for reading a book, study or having a conversation. The coffee is so so.

  • Стеф Тодорова

    Стеф Тодорова


    It's handy having so many things in one place, even if somewhat pricey. And I wish they'd cool the cider. But yay, cider.

  • Nikita Georgiev

    Nikita Georgiev


    Good selection of books. It also has a cafe on the top floor where you can read, relax and they also have some board games if you're in to that.

  • Beatrice Bini

    Beatrice Bini


    The cafe upstairs is nice and my friend and I used to go there all the time to study (like 5 times a week), even though the waitress was not nice and has no idea of how to make a proper coffee/cappuccino. And today she has been super rude to us, without any reason, so yeah, she just lost 2 clients. I don't recommend it.

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