ОББ - Раковски 108 в Sofia

БългарияОББ - Раковски 108


почивен ден

🕗 работно време

Неделяпочивен ден
108, ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“, 1000, Sofia, BG Bulgaria
контакти телефон: +359 2 815 4715
уеб сайт: www.ubb.bg
по-голяма карта
Latitude: 42.6925644, Longitude: 23.3264701

коментари 5

  • Ivailo Ivanov

    Ivailo Ivanov


    I have been a client of UBB before - this is the first bank that issued me a debit card 🙂 This branch is relatively large, but I was impressed by how they hardly pay attention to you. And only 1 cash register worked.

  • Dennis D

    Dennis D


    6 hours, 120lv. wasted I'm very disappointed with this bank for opening a company account. 😔 It took 6 hours sitting around. Get a notice from the notaries. Wait for the system restart. Trying to translate to bulgarian, because no English speaking colleagues are available. I brought the company capital cash, put it in the account. Paying the fees. After a week they called me, telling that they will not open an account. Got my money back. I paid fees again, to get it. Happy with the bank on the other side of the street! 🤗

  • Petya Yosifova

    Petya Yosifova


    They do not value the time of their clients, after an hour and a half of service it turned out that we could not be served because the system required additional documents for which we had not been warned the previous time. They promised that taking this document would take them only 5 minutes to complete the return, alas, it took them another 40. Great whining, great miracle!

  • Dave Hunkins

    Dave Hunkins


    We had come from *FiBank*, where they proposed to me (as a foreigner to Bulgaria) to pay 100 leva and wait 10 days to see whether I would qualify for a bank account at FiBank. :-( So we were very happy to meet Petya Yosifova, a lively business banker in the Rakovska Street branch of OBB, who was able to get me checked out and approved in about 90 minutes. On a subsequent visit, I discovered that business bank accounts have fees for depositing _too_much_money_ and I was a little surprised by this. (Apparently, holding somebody else's money is considered a little bit of an insult in Bulgaria, so you have to pay them to accept the insult as well as the money.) But, normal practice, and I have to say that overall (during the three hours we have spent at the branch to get the account set up) we are pleased with OBB Rakovska.

  • Lora Nielsen

    Lora Nielsen


    They did the job. Great location of this branch of the bank. Belgian owned. Easier procedures compared to other Bulgarian banks and quick customer service. Some SOP could be looked into since we were transferred from person to person without anyone taking ownership of the job. However, as said before - working fine and definitely working better than the rest of the banks I've visited prior to ending up with OBB. Good internet banking and application - both translated into English.

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